CDR Australia Migration

Unleash Your Potential as Mining Engineer (ANZSCO 233611)

Secure your Immigration to Australia PR Visa as Mining Engineer (ANZSCO 233611) with expert EA-approved CDR report services.

Mining Engineer ANZSCO 233611


Plans and directs the engineering aspects of locating and extracting minerals from the earth. Registration or licensing may be required.

Skill Level: 1


  • Process Engineer (Mining)

Average Income:

The average salary for a Mining Engineer ANZSCO 233611 (Excluding Petroleum) is $ 179,021 for male employees and $ 133,068 for female employees per year. Average Age: Males: 38.2 Females: 33.2 Persons: 37.3

[See: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2336 Mining engineers – Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2016]

Australian visa options for Mining Engineer - ANZSCO 233611 (Excluding Petroleum)

Employer Sponsorship
Permanent489 VisaPermanent 457 Visa
Skilled OccupationANZSCO CodeAssessing Authority189 Visa190 VisaStateFamily186 Visa (DE)186 VisaAll areaRegional area
Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum)233611Engineers Australia

Visa processing times-months(75%)99-101755
Visa processing times-months(90%)1212-15191111
To obtain a positive skills assessment form Engineers Australia, applicants wishing to be assessed as a Mining Engineer MAY need to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

Note: Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) will be removed from SOL list in July 2016

Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) Dob Description, Duties and Education Requirements


Mining Engineers plan and direct the engineering aspects of locating and extracting minerals, petroleum and natural gas from the earth.

Indicative Skill Level:

In Australia and New Zealand:

Most occupations in this unit group have a skill level commensurate with a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification. In some instances, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing may be required.

Tasks Include:

  • Conducting preliminary surveys of mineral, petroleum and natural gas deposits with prospectors, Geologists, Geophysicists, other mineral scientists and other engineers to determine the resources present, the feasibility of extracting the reserves, and the design and development of the extraction process
  • Preparing operation and project cost estimates and production schedules, and reporting progress, production and costs compared to budget
  • Determining the most suitable methods of ore extraction taking account of such factors as depth of overburden, and attitude and physical characteristics of deposits and surrounding strata
  • Preparing plans for tunnels and chambers, location and construction of mine shafts, layout of mine development and the application of appropriate mining techniques, often using computer modelling
  • Assessing the natural, technical, financial and safety risks associated with the phases of the project development, construction and operations
  • Determining the safety of processes, order of extraction and safety of mine walls, evaluating the risk of slippage and advising on the prevention of slippage and rock falls
  • Planning and coordinating the utilization of labor and equipment consistent with efficiency targets, statutes, safety guidelines and environmental conditions
  • Planning and conducting research and providing advice on engineering operations for the exploration, location and extraction of petroleum and natural gas
  • Determining location for drilling
  • Deciding on types of derrick and equipment including seabed platforms
  • Devising methods of controlling the flow of oil and gas from wells


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