CDR Sample for Structural Engineer

You can get 100% genuine CDR Sample for Structural Engineer written by our professional and skilled engineering writers. The samples we provide are the report which have already been submitted and positively assessed by the Engineers Australia for Skilled Migration Visa. Please use the sample for reference purpose only and do not copy and paste from the sample.
CDR Report Sample: Structural Engineer ANZSCO Code: 233214
CDR Sample for Structural Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Summary Statement and Curriculum Vitae
The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:
- Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
- Continuing Professional Development Sample: CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Engineering Knowledge- 1000 words.
- Structural Engineer Career Episode Sample – 1:“Construction of 4 Lane High Level 31.18 m long Bridge”- 1775 words.
- Structural Engineer Career Episode Sample – 2: “Analysis of Structural Characteristics of Beam-Column Joints”- 1675 words.
- Structural Engineer Career Episode Sample – 3: “Construction of (2*270) MW Thermal Power Station”- 1575 words.
- Structural Engineer Summary Statement Sample: Detail explanation of all the competency element- 2085 words.
Structural Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 1
Project Name: Construction of 4 Lane High Level 31.18 m long Bridge
In first career episode, the author describes the project he did for partial fulfillment of Bachelor’s degree in Civil engineering. The project’s title was “Construction of 4 Lane High Level 31.18 m long Bridge”. The responsibilities of the author were:
- To design the structure of the bridge
- To conduct literature survey and idealize the structure
- To compute the condition of loading
- To model the of structural design
- To evaluate the consequence of the structure
Structural Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 2
Project Name: Analysis of Structural Characteristics of Beam-Column Joints
In second Career Episode, the author prepared this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Engineering in Civil. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Analysis of Structural Characteristics of Beam-Column Joints” were:
- To evaluate and conduct a detail study of the whole project and select the important elements required for the project
- To perform important testing needed for the work of experiment
- To work in the specification of the fibre material and test reports
- To test the samples to their ultimate load using hydraulic jack
- To perform the test setup, investigate and test methods for computing the curvature, deflection, crack width, ductility factor, etc.
- To check the whole project and evaluate the results
Structural Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 3
Project Name: Construction of (2*270) MW Thermal Power Station
In third Career Episode, the author demonstrates his technical skills he used during his work tenure at a company. The Project was “Construction of (2*270) MW Thermal Power Station”. The key responsibility of the writer was to:
- To evaluate the static and other properties of structure
- To examine the characteristic of the used materials
- To build durable materials
- To site inspect and monitor the workers for structural and completing of the work
- To evaluate and test the durability of the designed plant