CDR Sample for Civil Engineering Draftsperson

You can get 100% genuine CDR Sample for Civil Engineering Draftsperson written by our professional and skilled engineering writers. The samples we provide are the report which have already been submitted and positively assessed by the Engineers Australia for Skilled Migration Visa. Please use the sample for reference purpose only and do not copy and paste from the sample.
CDR Report Sample: Civil Engineering Draftsperson ANZSCO Code: 312211
CDR Sample for Civil Engineering Draftsperson includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Curriculum Vitae and Summary Statement. The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:
- Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
- Continuing Professional Development Sample: CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Engineering Knowledge- 1000 words.
- Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample – 1: “The contribution of non-structural components to the overall dynamic behavior of concrete floor slabs”- 2000 words.
- Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample – 2: “Influence of the ballast on the dynamic properties of a truss railway bridge”- 2500 words.
- Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample – 3: “Preliminary design and multi-criteria analysis of solutions for widening an existing concrete bridge”- 3000 words.
- Civil Engineering Draftsperson Summary Statement Sample: Detail explanation of all the competency element- 2000 words.
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report:
Sample 1
Project Name: The contribution of non-structural components to the overall dynamic behavior of concrete floor slabs
In the first Career Episode, the author writes in detail about the project entitled “The contribution of non-structural components to the overall dynamic behaviour of concrete floor slabs”. He performed this project when he was pursuing his Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering. Some of the important tasks he did on this project were:
- To describe an extensive programme of modal testing on a slender one-way 50% scaled post-tensioned concrete slab
- To perform testing of modal and determine full floor dynamic characteristics
- To investigate the effect on vibration performance of the level of prestress and of various non-structural additions
- To derive a theoretical model for representing the TMD results and design a criterion
- To investigate human-structure interaction and analyze the model for observing natural frequency of the body
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report:
Sample 2
Project Name: Influence of the ballast on the dynamic properties of a truss railway bridge
In second Career Episode, the author discusses the project he carried out during his Internship program and was titled “Influence of the ballast on the dynamic properties of a truss railway bridge”. His duties and responsibilities in the project were:
- To quantify the influence of the ballast on the dynamic properties of a bridge
- To design a realistic and reliable model for the ballast superstructure and the track
- To experiment the collected acceleration measurements of the simply supported existing steel truss bridge
- To observe the data of natural frequencies of the bridge at two different times through MATLAB
- To compare the determined natural frequencies for the ballasted case with analytical values obtained with a 3D finite element model in LUSAS
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report: Sample 3
Project Name: Preliminary design and multi-criteria analysis of solutions for widening an existing concrete bridge
In the third Career Episode, the author explains the project when he was pursuing his two-year associate’s degree in drafting. The project name was “Preliminary design and multi-criteria analysis of solutions for widening an existing concrete bridge”. The author had the following responsibilities in this project:
- To study on existing concrete bride for designing and comparing different solutions for increasing its width
- To perform establishment of six different technical solutions for widening the bridge, two different solutions for the deck and three different solutions for the piers
- To assess the performance of each solution according to cost and durations of the works
- To perform the evaluation of the environmental impacts
- To collect the data and input in the software for evaluation